Say goodbye to grading Singapore Math assignments forever!

We have released the beta version of our cutting-edge platform that automates the grading of Singapore Math assignments…and it’s FREE!

How does automated grading work?

Students enter their answers directly into the platform and are given immediate feedback.

After each assignment is completed, you receive a comprehensive report highlighting areas where students may need additional support.

This insight enables you to spend less time grading and more time teaching.”

Unlock the power of automated grading

Improve learning

Students learn right away whether their answer is right or wrong. They can correct errors even before moving on to the next problem.

Promote independence

Students of all ages can enter answers on their own. No more waiting on you to correct practice sets.

Save time

Automated grading takes the burden of grading off parents and teachers, allowing them to focus on what’s most important…teaching.

Automated grading for three Singapore Math editions

Photo of Child Using Tablet Computer

Dimensions Math

The flagship Singapore Math curriculum

Primary Math – 2022 Edition

More aligned with U.S. school standards.

Primary Math – US Edition

Similar to the original program used in Singapore, but with U.S. measurements and currency.

Exclusive advantages for our beta community

It’s Free!

Access to our beta version of automated grading is free for all invited users.

Customized Innovation

Your feedback will shape the future of our platform, ensuring it meets your specific needs.

Exclusive Rewards

Beta testers will receive special rewards and membership discounts when we launch to the general public.

Photo of Woman and Boy Sitting on Couch While Using Tablet Computer


Sign up and tell a friend

We’re excited to announce this limited beta opportunity and invite a select group of individuals to join us on this journey. Sign up now and spread the word to ensure you and your friends have a chance to be part of this exclusive experience—spaces are filling up fast!

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